
NC Standard Course of Study - detailed standards and objectives that guide teaching and learning in North Carolina; includes additional resources. Information provided by the NC Department of Public Instruction.

News & Observer - free online daily newspaper access provided by the News & Observer's Newspapers in Education program.

LearnNC - an excellent collection of lesson plans, articles, and professional resources, provided by UNC Chapel Hill.

NC Wise Owl - resources for learning and teaching provided by the State of North Carolina.

Proquest K-12 - looking for the latest research or a new teaching strategy?  Wake County Public Schools provides subscription access to online professional journals and teaching resources via Proquest.

Top 25 websites for teaching and learning - these top 25 sites selected by the American Association of School Librarians focus on innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration.

Web 2.0/21st Century Tools wiki - a huge selection of 21st century teaching and learning resources are available on this wiki and best of all, they're organized by process and/or product!

ReadWriteThink - classroom resources, interactives, lesson plans and more at this awesome site.

TeacherTube - find the perfect video to help your students learn. Teachers that register for a free account have access to commercial-free videos.

Public Domain images & sounds - this blog post from the Making Teachers Nerdy blog has lots of links to free images & sounds.

Ten Top Tips for Teaching with New Media - check out this cool article from Edutopia on how to incorporate new media in your students' learning.

Instructify - is the amazing whiz-bang blog created by the folks at LearnNC. Need time-saving classroom tips, the latest free technology, or jaw-dropping innovative instructional strategies? It’s all here at Instructify.

Rubistar - create, edit, & save original rubrics online or customize rubric templates for project-based learning. Registration required. Resources provided by 4Teachers.org

PBS Teachers - multimedia resources and professional development for teachers.

Thinkfinity - free resources, lesson plans, interactives, and professional learning resources.

Heinemann Publishing podcasts - listen & learn about hot topics in podcasts presented by some of the authors who write for Heinemann, a publisher of professional and student resources for learning in the 21st century.

Colorin Colorado - a high quality resource for teachers of English language learners. Information, strategies, activities and much more for ESL teachers and all teachers who have students that are English language learners.

The Ultimate Guide to Special Needs Teaching - more than 100 sites and resources for teachers that work with special needs and ESL students. Resources assembled by TeachingTips.com.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - lesson plans, teaching tips, & resources, organized by grade level. 

National Science Teachers Association -  teacher resources for the elementary science classroom.

Information & resources for 21st century learning - Ms. Brannock's Netvibes page with links, tools, professional articles, blog feeds, pathfinders, and much more.